Parasocial relationships

The rise of parasocial relationships

The rise of parasocial relationships

Celebrities aren’t your friends…

It goes without saying that social media is a dominant force in the lives of many members of Gen Z. As the boundaries between reality and virtual existence continue to blur, a new concerning phenomenon is being exacerbated: parasocial relationships.

Never heard of a parasocial relationship? Your therapist probably hasn’t told you you’ve developed an unhealthy attachment to Jungkook fan edits. 

These one-sided connections with celebrities can be spurred both on and off the internet—whether it be clamouring with other fans to witness the appearance of your favourite celeb at your local mall, or staying updated with the version of their life that they share on social media.

The delusion that you are somehow connected to that celebrity can develop, despite them being unaware of your existence. Thanks to the widespread use of social media, the presence of parasocial relationships has grown in the digital age.

While this may seem harmless at first glance, beneath the surface lies a dangerous and toxic dynamic.

To understand the peril of parasocial relationships, one must first recognize their ubiquity. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube have transformed ordinary individuals into digital demigods, wielding influence over millions of loyal viewers.

The allure of being intimately connected with these online celebrities, often fueled by carefully crafted personas, draws people into an imaginary relationship where genuine interaction is replaced by the illusion of connection.

Through streaming platforms such as Twitch, influencers are able to interact with their fans in real time, forming the facade of an even more intimate bond.

By having their comments, questions and suggestions be acknowledged, fans are able to gain a sense of influence within the celebrity's life. Despite this interaction, the relationships remain one-sided.

Recognition of a fan’s existence may bolster the celebrities’ interpersonal status with the fan, yet the distance between them remains and the impact of these interactions is minimal on the influencer on the other side of the screen. 

By directly engaging live with fans online, influencers are able to craft a sense of intimacy that previously could not exist. These interactions can create a feeling that your favourite YouTuber knows your name, or even a small piece of who you are, leading you to feel like you have a personal connection to them.

However this isn’t the case. While you may think you know everything there is to know about your favourite pop star or fashion guru, the details of your life, and the lives of millions of other fans remain a mystery to them. 

At the heart of the issue is the parasocial nature of these relationships. Unlike standard, reciprocal connections, parasocial relationships are inherently imbalanced.

Fans invest time, emotion, and sometimes even financial resources into their online idols, who in turn, remain blissfully unaware of their devotees' existence. This lopsided dynamic can create a false sense of intimacy, leaving fans emotionally attached to individuals who are essentially strangers. 

This emotional attachment is not only damaging for the fan's own mental health; as their affection is seldom, if ever, recognized; but can lead to damaging actions, whether it be blind defense or financial investment in their favourite A-lister or influencer. The potential for those on the receiving end of this adoration to manipulate their audience is increased once these false bonds are formed. 

Online celebrities, cognizant of their influence, often exploit the loyalty of their followers for personal gain. From promoting questionable products to endorsing harmful ideologies, these influencers wield their power at times without accountability. 

The parasocial relationship is the perfect petri dish for unchecked propagation of ideas, no matter how damaging they may be. 

When a celebrity does face controversy, certain extremely loyal fans will do anything to defend their image. In the eyes of their adoring audience, they can do nothing wrong. In the same way that it is difficult to accept when your best friend has made a detrimental mistake, super fans will endlessly justify their idol’s behaviour. 

Because of this, when a celebrity does face the consequences of their actions, it’s often extremely challenging for their fans to accept and can be equally as threatening to their happiness. The loss of a friend isn’t easy for anyone, especially someone who was always accessible and had become a daily part of your life. 

Another reason these relationships form so easily is because of the ever-accessible nature of social media content. Especially when the object of the fan’s affection posts frequently, showcasing elements of their daily lives and facets of their carefully crafted personality readily and regularly. 

These relationships aren't always prideful however, this made-up involvement can consist of friendship, romance, or even loathing. Unwarranted negativity can stem from this distorted sense of familiarity, as individuals believe they know the creator intimately enough to cast judgment on their actions, even though they are only privy to the limited portion of their life shared online. 

The hate that ensues from these misconceptions not only perpetuates a toxic online environment but also highlights the destructive consequences of projecting personal biases onto public figures, hindering constructive dialogue and fostering an atmosphere of hostility rather than understanding online. 

The allure of parasocial relationships with online celebrities may seem innocuous, but the consequences are anything but.

From emotional entanglements to the spread of misinformation, the toxic nature of these one-sided connections poses a threat to our society. It is time to unmask the dangers lurking behind our screens and cultivate a social landscape that values genuine human connections over the illusion of digital intimacy. 

This article is from Youthquaker Magazine, a print arts & culture publication pushing youth-driven journalism on untapped multidisciplinary subject matter.

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