The Opera House Grill

The Opera House Grill

737 Queen Street East
  • Restaurant
    Establishment Type
  • Sidewalk
    Patio Type
  • Yes
    Covered Patio?
  • No
    Heated Patio?
  • No
  • 50
  • Mon 11:30a.m. - 9:00p.m.
  • Tues 11:30a.m. - 9:00p.m.
  • Wed 11:30a.m. - 9:00p.m.
  • Thurs 11:30a.m. - 9:00p.m.
  • Fri 11:30a.m. - 9:00p.m.
  • Sat 11:30a.m. - 9:00p.m.

About this Patio

The Opera House has become way more than just a concert hall. Its grill, located in the same building, offers a pretty sweet sidewalk patio - perfect for a little pre-drinking before a show or some midday brews.

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