flooding oakville

Dozens of boats drift away from Ontario marina during devastating flood

Scenes of chaos erupted across the Greater Toronto Area amid Tuesday's historic flooding, including an incident in Oakville that looked like something ripped right from a disaster flick.

Dozens of boats broke free from their moorings at Oakville Power Boat Club just after 2 p.m. on Tuesday.

While no injuries were reported, the scene of boats being washed down Sixteen Mile Creek looked more like the aftermath of a major natural disaster than the result of a heavy downpour.

Record rainfall midday Tuesday created several catastrophic-looking scenes across the region, including the boats that were seen adrift in the vicinity of Navy Flats Park.

Reports vary between 20 and as many as 35 watercraft were affected during the surging floodwaters, some washed out into the lake leaving boaters stranded.

Oakville News reported that rescue crews assisted 26 people in dinghies 0.5 nautical miles or just shy of one kilometre offshore, while a 24-foot jet boat was escorted back to safety.

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