clear garbage bags ontario

Ontario residents forced to use clear garbage bags call it 'invasion of privacy'

Locals in Ontario's cottage country are furious with the District of Muskoka over a controversial new proposal that residents claim infringes on their privacy, but that officials argue will encourage the public to follow the rules.

And if this sounds like some sweeping government policy overreach worthy of outrage and conspiracy theories, I'm just going to pause here and inform you that this big to-do is actually just about the opacity of garbage bags.

Yup, you read that correctly: Muskoka residents are fuming over a proposal that would force them to switch from opaque black garbage bags to clear bags.

But, as you'll see, they kind of make some good points.

The District of Muskoka Engineering and Public Works Committee decided in June that residents will be required to make the switch, citing frequent improper sorting of waste by locals and the rapid filling of area landfills.

The move would not only encourage proper sorting and cut down on landfill use but also assist waste collection workers with handling hazardous items and protect them from any dangers hidden away in trash bags.

Muskoka residents have argued that the move infringes on their privacy, and would allow strangers to easily snoop through their trash without even opening the bags.

For anyone who scoffs at those concerns, just take a moment to consider what goes into your trash and ask yourself if you'd feel comfortable leaving it out for all eyes to see.

Medication bottles with sensitive medical information and personal hygiene products are just a few of the things most people would like to keep away from the prying eyes of neighbours and waste collection teams until they can reach the anonymity of a sorting facility.

One commenter in a local Facebook group found some silver lining in the controversial plan to swap bag opacity, writing, "buying just one type of bag will be easier than buying both black and clear."

The user goes on to argue that since "many garbage bags won't be picked up because of hazdarous materials in the bags,... the district should open up more often for hazardous waste materials all over Muskoka."

Another user writes, "we have to use clear bags and it's gross and feels like an invasion of privacy. Having the dump guys look through my garbage filled with menstrual pads and wrappers and intimate things, food wrappers, toy packages feels judgy."

"I'm uncomfortable with the dump guy seeing the brand of tampon used... maybe it will help recycling but honestly the whole recycling thing is pretty scammy too."

Lead photo by

Noel V. Baebler/Shutterstock

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