Nubian Goat at The Farm at the CNE

CNE: Unforgettable Creatures at The Farm

One of the more memorable attractions at The Canadian National Exhibition this year was The Farm, at its new location in the Better Living Centre.

Where else could you get to pet a llama, go gaga over suckling piglets or get up close and personal with a swarm of bees?

One of my favourites were the Nubian Goats, who had prominent underbites, yet displayed a certain charm with their permanent toothy grins. How can you not adore these creatures? If you missed them at The Ex, check 'em out at The Riverdale Farm. Unlike The High Park Zoo, they tend to maintain their facilities better. Plus you can get closer to the animals, kind of like at the CNE Fun Farm.

What was your favourite CNE memory this year?

The Farm at The CNE

Other animals on display made me sad, as I knew they were bred for eating. Seeing a dozen or so piglets and their mum together was heartwarming.

Suckling Piglets at The Farm at The CNE

Seeing other hogs on display with their age and weight listed on their pens made me glad I swore off eating anything with pig, ham or bacon ages ago.

Alpaca at The Farm at The CNE

Perhaps most surprising was the lack of crowds at The Farm. On a busy Saturday afternoon, the place was virtually empty.

Lambs at TheFarm at The CNE

Maybe the crowds were more entertained by acts such as the Ridgeway and Johnson stunt show.

Swarm of bees at The Farm at The CNE

If you missed the CNE altogether, you'll get another opportunity to see animals like these at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in about a month.

Photos by Roger Cullman.

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